PHASE 2 OPENING SOON Business Garage Authority

Providing Flex Garage Units to Boost Your Productivity

The Premier Provider of Flex Garage Units


Business Garage Authority Overview

Business Garage Authority provides new concepts in work-space environments to promote easy, affordable expansion of business operations beyond homes, traditional garage or storage spaces. Being constructed in a prime Johnson County location, BGA will provide 21st century facilities that allow businesses to soar. BGA is designed specifically to meet the day-to-day needs of entrepreneurs, contractors and owners of growing small businesses.

Our business garage is not your old school storage facility. We attract innovative business owners and CEOs who demand space that meets their requirements for productivity and growth at cost effective pricing. Our FLEX garage units incorporate innovative administrative and industrial spaces, technology, and standard amenities to promote our small business customers.

FLEX Garage Unit Overview

Business Garage Authority will be the premier provider of FLEX industrial business garage units. FLEX garage units are specifically created for business owners who require a hybrid space that can be configured and re-configured easily to meet the evolving needs of their companies.


FLEX garage units come in many sizes to tailor space and amenities to meet the unique needs of each unique business. Our smallest offering is 800 square feet. Larger FLEX garage units can be accommodated up to 20,000 square feet. This flexibility of space provides for optimal productivity and growth. Need more space? Expand into larger spaces. As businesses grow, CEOs can upgrade to neighboring larger units. FLEX garage units are designed to accommodate vehicles, shelving for equipment storage, office supplies and workspace. Shelving rental is available.

FLEX garage units feature two main areas: store front/office area and garage area. The “store front/office area” provides space for desks, media, office storage and client reception. It features a lavatory and HVAC wall unit for comfort. Options include outdoor signage and upgraded flooring.

The “garage area” features oversized, secure, premium steel garage door (12’ wide x 14’ high) to accommodate a variety of commercial vehicles. Space size is flexible from 800 to 20,000 square feet and larger. Garage areas feature LED lighting, space for shelving, workstations and vehicles. Electronic garage door opener and HVAC options are available. Shelving rental is also available.


The FLEX Garage Unit Amentities

Business Garage Authority provides many substantial and standard amenities to improve your efficiency and productivity. These amenities help create just the right environment for your company.